The Importance of Honoring Your Why

The Importance of Honoring Your Why

I believe it was Simon Sinek who coined the term “Start With Why”, and first brought the idea of the importance of connecting to your deeper ‘Why’ into mainstream culture. It’s become a sort of catchphrase or household term over the last few years. Whatever we do in...
Stop Waiting To Feel Confident

Stop Waiting To Feel Confident

As the orchestrator of various women’s gatherings and groups, I often send out invitations with the underlying feeling that I’m bothering people. Although I’m inspired by my work and confident that the women who attend will have a deep and amazing experience, my...
The Desire To Be Provided For

The Desire To Be Provided For

I received an inquiry recently, during the No Man Diet program, around the desire to be provided for – and specifically, the desire to be provided for financially. I find that this is a really layered conversation, mostly because as feminists in the 21st...

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